Stop Podcasting Yourself
Canada's top comedy podcast. Hosted by Graham Clark and Dave Shumka, with weekly guests. Hilarious weekly guests? Yup.
Scott Simpson of You Look Nice Today joins us to talk about fantasizing, Rockettes, and DeLoreans.
Direct download: Episode_94_-_Scott_Simpson.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:28pm PST

Alicia Tobin returns for our Holiday Extravaganza. We donate in one another's names to celebrity charities, and we are visited by three ghosts... by which I mean guests: Bita Joudaki, Kaitlin Fontana, and The Knights Of The Night.
Direct download: Episode_93_-_Alicia_Tobin.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:06pm PST

Emmett Hall returns to talk about partying, the apocalypse, and the self-checkout line.
Direct download: Episode_92_-_Emmett_Hall.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32pm PST

Dave and Graham are all alone and choose to badmouth Germans and go goo-goo for GaGa.
Direct download: Episode_91.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:02pm PST